Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bionicle: Memories of a Broken Toa: Chapter 4

Chapter four: The Guardian of the mask

Thok sighed, tapping his foot impatiently, he glanced from side to side, looking out over the water, then down at Lewa, he rolled his eyes "What is taking him so lo-" he paused, three Toa landing at his feet.

"You were saying...?" Galvator smirked, Thok looking the Toa over.

"You really did a number on these ones..." He grinned, kicking Gali's shoulder.

"Yes indeed I did...now, load them up in the Toa pod, you are taking them back to the Makuta." Galvator placed the scythe on his back and cracked his knuckles, looking out to the sea "Something isn't right..." Galvator glanced around "Thok..."

"Yeah?" Thok asked, looking up at him.

"Have you noticed anything strange in the water...?"

"Strange?" Thok questioned, crossing his arms "What kind of strange?"

"Something in the ocean that should not be there..."

"No sir...why?"

"Nevermind." Galvator shook his head, pointing to the Toa pod "Load up and head out, and if you dare stray from your mission, I will find you, and I will rip you apart."

"Yeah yeah, no need to worry." Thok smirked, tossing the Toa into the pod and climbing in, shutting the lid as Galvator pushed him off into the water, watching him float away for a moment, then turning around and making his way back inland.

"Here here!" Congu shouted, pointing to a large boulder, Tahu, Kopaka, Jala, and Takanuva all gathering around it.

"Well, we are finally here." Takanuva smiled, using his staff to pry the boulder from the cavern entrance, causing the massive rock to tumble down the mountain side "Wups..." Takanuva chuckled a bit, Tahu, Kopaka, Jala and Congu all stepping inside, Takanuva following behind them.

"Cave go far long, Congu never end finish, but Congu think it lead to mask of long life, what you need seek" Congu said, leading them a ways into the cavern.

"Congu, Jala, wait here, the three of us can handle this." Tahu said as he and Kopaka walked off, Takanuva nodding to Jala and following behind them, Jala letting out a sigh and looking at Congu "What now, fire spitter?"

The three Toa made their way deep into the cave without incident, though the cavern began to become warmer, eventually the toa stepped out to the mask of life's chamber, situated under the lake of lava, which seemingly floated high above their heads.

"How nice..." Kopaka sighed as Tahu laughed.

"Are you kidding me? This is amazing!" Tahu smiled, pulling out his swords and racing towards the moat of lava around the pedestal that the mask of life was resting on "Mata-Nui, here I come!" As Tahu neared the edge, before he could get onto his lava board, a large, clawed hand came out, gripping onto the ledge and pulling itself out of the molten protodermis, the creature was strange and disturbing, it's left half seemed to be limp, though it could move both arms and legs just fine.

"The...the guardian of the mask..." Takanuva gulped, taking a step back.

"Wh...what are you...you doing in this...sanctuary..." The creature asked, pointing at Tahu.

"We have come to retrieve the mask of life, to awaken the great spirit, Mata-Nui." Takanuva said, stepping in front of Tahu.

"And...what are you...?" The guardian asked.

"I am Toa Takanuva, Toa of light, and it is my destiny to awaken Mata-Nui."

The guardian laughed, looking from Kopaka, to Tahu, and finally, Takanuva "I believe...you...but you need...need to prove yourself..."

"How? Takanuva has already defeated the Makuta." Kopaka smirked, looking the creature over.

"You...you must destroy the protector..." The guardian said slowly, a ball of energy forming, he shot it out, hitting Tahu in the chest, his Toa Nuva armor and swords melted, his mask forming back to it's Toa Mata state.

"What...how?!" Tahu asked, looking at his hands.

"Wow." Kopaka laughed "Why don't you sit this one out Tahu."

"Shut up Kopaka..." Tahu grumbled, Takanuva blasting the guardian with a beam of light as Kopaka shot a ray of ice at him, the light paralyzed him, the ice covering him completely.

"That takes care of that..." Kopaka sighed as the ice form exploded, the guardian stretching his fingers, he lifted his sword, stepping in Kopaka's direction as the ground shook, a spear shooting down and piercing the ground between the guardian and Kopaka, Galvator jumping down.

"Sorry to crash your party but  I'll be taking that mask." Galvator smirked, smacking Kopaka away and jumping towards the mask, the guardian stretched his hand in it's direction and shut his eyes.

"Vanish!" He said as the mask of light disappeared in a burst of white light.

"You bastard..." Galvator said as he turned to face the guardian, who quickly spun around, shooting an orb of light at each Toa, once they hit, the Toa vanished, reappearing with Jala and Congu.

"You will suffer for that..." Galvator growled, grabbing the guardian by his neck and lifting him up "Come with me...you're going to visit the Makuta..."

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