Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bionicle: Memories of a Broken Toa: Chapter 5

Chapter five: A memoryless Toa

During the Toa Nuva's absence the matoran were left practically defenceless, after strengthening their defences and arming the matoran, life resumed itself as usual.

"Hey...Tarah, come here." The ko-matoran known as Gatka called.

"Yeah Gatka what's up?" questioned a tall red matoran, he was almost as tall as one of the Toa Nuva, but clumsy and foolish.

"What's that down there?" Gatka asked, pointing down at the beach, in the sand lay a large body, and a mask a bit away being hit by the waves.

"I don't know...let me take a look." Tarah replied and started his way down to the beach, whistling as he walked. He made his way to the body, kneeling down in front of it "Who are you..." he questioned, stepping over to a kanohi mask in the sand, pulling it out, he saw it was a grey Hau "This must be yours huh..." Tarah remarked, placing the mask on the body's face, he stepped back, watching as the figure's eyes opened slowly, he pushed up from the sand, grains and water falling off as he did, the figure looked up at Tarah.


"Name's Tarah, the best matoran you'll ever meet." Tarah boasted, reaching a hand out to the confused new arrival.

"K...Kasai...is...is my name..." he said, standing.

"Come with me, we'll help you get situated" Tarah replied, pointing back at the few matoran guards a ways inland.

"Y...yes...thank you..." Kasai nodded slowly, following Tarah as he made his way back, he stumbled a bit at first but gained his footing, as they arrived back at the group Gatka stepped forward.

"What's going on Tarah?"

"This guy's name is Kasai, I figured we could take him to Ta-koro and have him talk to Turaga Vakama."

"Hmm..." Gatka thought for a moment, looking Kasai over "Fine...come with us." He turned around, the rest of the matoran following him as he passed. "Who are you?" Gatka asked.

"I'm not sure..." He replied, his gaze remained fixated on the path ahead of them.

"Well...I'm Gatka, the captain of the guard in Ko-koro." He smirked, Kasai appearing to not have acknoledged this.

"Okay..." Kasai nodded, remaining silent for the rest of the walk.

The matoran guided Kasai for awhile, but eventually they made it back to Ta-koro, Gatka and Tarah taking Kasai to Turaga Vakama's hut, as they entered, they soon realized Vakama had problems of his own.

"What do you mean vanished?" Vakama asked, looking over a nervous Le-matoran.

"That's all I know Turaga, all the other elders have disappeared, Matau, Nuju, Onewa, Whenua, Nokama, all of them gone, no one has seen them..." The matoran spoke, trying to answer Vakama's question as best he could, when he noticed Tarah and Gatka "Turaga Vakama...you have visitors..."

"Oh? Do I now?" Vakama asked, turning around and looking at the two matoran and Kasai "Lerah, leave us..." Vakama spoke softly, looking Kasai over, Lerah walking to the door, Tarah walking with him, the two leaving the hut as Gatka and Kasai came to Vakama.

"Turaga Vakama, this is Kasai, we found him lying on the beach." Gatka said as Vakama looked up at Kasai, he was far taller than any of the Toa Nuva, about as tall as Vakama when he was a Toa, this made him smile a bit, he placed his hand over the long vent on the front of his mask, sliding his hand down it as he thought.

"No...you are Toa Kasai...I can feel the power flowing through you...you are stronger than any Toa I have seen before...even stronger than our own Takanuva." Vakama's words puzzled Gatka, he looked up at Kasai, who also seemed confused.

"Turaga...how could you possibly know tha-"

"Excuse me wise one...but how can you know this about me...when all I know is my own name?" Kasai interupted Gatka, questioning Vakama.

"I had a vision recently...of dark times...but I also saw a Toa, one who bore a grey Hau, he broke the darkness...and illuminated us with true light, once and for all." Yet again Vakama's words were odd, as if he were trying to confuse the two.

"You say this...but I have no memory of where I came from or who I am..." Kasai sighed, Vakama nodding.

"It was the same with the other six Toa, they knew nothing of themselves, but the truth will be revealed, in due time..." The Turaga placed a hand on Kasai's arm, closing his eyes and giving a sigh "Gatka, take Toa Kasai to the mask maker, he has armor and a sword that I requested he make, just for this new Toa..."

"Y...yes Turaga..." Gatka mumbled, walking out, Kasai followed him, looking back at Vakama as he left.

"Mata Nui...I know I will not be around much longer...but let the matoran be safe..."

The two walked the streets of the village, coming to the mask maker's hut, as they stepped in, a scream was heard, mask rustling. "What's the matter?" Gatka asked, a matoran peeking out "Oh...Gatka...I didn't realize you were back..."

"Well I am, Vakama said you have some armor for this guy." Gatka sighed, pointing to Kasai.

"Armor? Yes, for him? I don't know, probably..." he said nervously, climbing out from under the masks, he stepped over to the forge, tossing large red plates of armor to Kasai, who caught them, looking them over and putting them in the most appropriate spots on his upper arms and legs, the matoran then gave Kasai a large red sword, the blade was silver, though the back of the blade and the hilt were red, he put the sword onto his back "N...now...can you two leave..." The matoran asked, Kasai looking at Gatka, who had already stepped outside.

Bionicle: Memories of a Broken Toa: Chapter 4

Chapter four: The Guardian of the mask

Thok sighed, tapping his foot impatiently, he glanced from side to side, looking out over the water, then down at Lewa, he rolled his eyes "What is taking him so lo-" he paused, three Toa landing at his feet.

"You were saying...?" Galvator smirked, Thok looking the Toa over.

"You really did a number on these ones..." He grinned, kicking Gali's shoulder.

"Yes indeed I did...now, load them up in the Toa pod, you are taking them back to the Makuta." Galvator placed the scythe on his back and cracked his knuckles, looking out to the sea "Something isn't right..." Galvator glanced around "Thok..."

"Yeah?" Thok asked, looking up at him.

"Have you noticed anything strange in the water...?"

"Strange?" Thok questioned, crossing his arms "What kind of strange?"

"Something in the ocean that should not be there..."

"No sir...why?"

"Nevermind." Galvator shook his head, pointing to the Toa pod "Load up and head out, and if you dare stray from your mission, I will find you, and I will rip you apart."

"Yeah yeah, no need to worry." Thok smirked, tossing the Toa into the pod and climbing in, shutting the lid as Galvator pushed him off into the water, watching him float away for a moment, then turning around and making his way back inland.

"Here here!" Congu shouted, pointing to a large boulder, Tahu, Kopaka, Jala, and Takanuva all gathering around it.

"Well, we are finally here." Takanuva smiled, using his staff to pry the boulder from the cavern entrance, causing the massive rock to tumble down the mountain side "Wups..." Takanuva chuckled a bit, Tahu, Kopaka, Jala and Congu all stepping inside, Takanuva following behind them.

"Cave go far long, Congu never end finish, but Congu think it lead to mask of long life, what you need seek" Congu said, leading them a ways into the cavern.

"Congu, Jala, wait here, the three of us can handle this." Tahu said as he and Kopaka walked off, Takanuva nodding to Jala and following behind them, Jala letting out a sigh and looking at Congu "What now, fire spitter?"

The three Toa made their way deep into the cave without incident, though the cavern began to become warmer, eventually the toa stepped out to the mask of life's chamber, situated under the lake of lava, which seemingly floated high above their heads.

"How nice..." Kopaka sighed as Tahu laughed.

"Are you kidding me? This is amazing!" Tahu smiled, pulling out his swords and racing towards the moat of lava around the pedestal that the mask of life was resting on "Mata-Nui, here I come!" As Tahu neared the edge, before he could get onto his lava board, a large, clawed hand came out, gripping onto the ledge and pulling itself out of the molten protodermis, the creature was strange and disturbing, it's left half seemed to be limp, though it could move both arms and legs just fine.

"The...the guardian of the mask..." Takanuva gulped, taking a step back.

"Wh...what are you...you doing in this...sanctuary..." The creature asked, pointing at Tahu.

"We have come to retrieve the mask of life, to awaken the great spirit, Mata-Nui." Takanuva said, stepping in front of Tahu.

"And...what are you...?" The guardian asked.

"I am Toa Takanuva, Toa of light, and it is my destiny to awaken Mata-Nui."

The guardian laughed, looking from Kopaka, to Tahu, and finally, Takanuva "I believe...you...but you need...need to prove yourself..."

"How? Takanuva has already defeated the Makuta." Kopaka smirked, looking the creature over.

"You...you must destroy the protector..." The guardian said slowly, a ball of energy forming, he shot it out, hitting Tahu in the chest, his Toa Nuva armor and swords melted, his mask forming back to it's Toa Mata state.

"What...how?!" Tahu asked, looking at his hands.

"Wow." Kopaka laughed "Why don't you sit this one out Tahu."

"Shut up Kopaka..." Tahu grumbled, Takanuva blasting the guardian with a beam of light as Kopaka shot a ray of ice at him, the light paralyzed him, the ice covering him completely.

"That takes care of that..." Kopaka sighed as the ice form exploded, the guardian stretching his fingers, he lifted his sword, stepping in Kopaka's direction as the ground shook, a spear shooting down and piercing the ground between the guardian and Kopaka, Galvator jumping down.

"Sorry to crash your party but  I'll be taking that mask." Galvator smirked, smacking Kopaka away and jumping towards the mask, the guardian stretched his hand in it's direction and shut his eyes.

"Vanish!" He said as the mask of light disappeared in a burst of white light.

"You bastard..." Galvator said as he turned to face the guardian, who quickly spun around, shooting an orb of light at each Toa, once they hit, the Toa vanished, reappearing with Jala and Congu.

"You will suffer for that..." Galvator growled, grabbing the guardian by his neck and lifting him up "Come with me...you're going to visit the Makuta..."

Bionicle: Memories of a Broken Toa: Chapter 3

Chapter three: Toa gone, Piraka done.

“Gah!” A voice cried as a clump of black armor came crashing through the wall and landing just outside of the building, Reiadak stood, glaring at the red Toa whose elemental blades were glowing a fiery red.

“Tell me what you know Pira-” Tahu said before he was interrupted by a zamor shot to his back, luckily his shield took the blow, he turned around, glaring at Hakann.

“Toa, why not pick on someone your own color?” He grinned, charging at Tahu.

“W-who are you…?” Avak asked, crawling back and coming to his feet as Kopaka smirked, scratching his swords against the ground “I am Toa Kopaka, Toa of ice…” Avak nodded at his words, grabbing his multi tool and swinging at Kopaka, who, in a flash, placed the blades of his sword against Avak’s neck, ice encompassing him, trapping him in his attacking position.

“What do you want Toa?” Vezok asked Kopaka, standing with his left hand on his right shoulder, popping the joint back into place.

"We heard you were trying to kill each other. We are here to offer our help in that long overdue endeavor." Kopaka smirked, spinning his blade and shooting a beam of ice that shot through Vezok’s right arm, rendering it useless.

“Gah- damn…” Vezok groaned, gripped his arm tight, glaring at Kopaka, who stepped over to Vezok and tapped his sword against the Piraka’s left shoulder, freezing him instantly.

"Heh...who do you think you are? Attacking my glorious fortress?" Zaktan asked as Takanuva stepped closer.

"I am Takanuva, Toa of light..."now I have a question for you Piraka" Takanuva said as Zaktan nodded.


"What do you know about the mask of life? And where is the white Piraka?" The Toa of light questioned as he pointed his staff at Zaktan.

"Thok? He was sent off by Galvator" The Piraka replied, giving a smirk.


"Oh you don't know do you?" Zaktan grinned "We are under the service of a being known as Makuta Galvator, who was sent here to retrieve the mask of life for the true Makuta..."

Takanuva froze "How...I defeated the Makuta..."

"Clearly not as well as you thought." Zaktan said as he loaded his zamor sphere launcher silently behind his back, in an instant, he pulled the weapon out, firing a blast at Takanuva, who in turn shot a beam of light straight through the sphere and into Zaktan's chest, a charred whole left as he fell to the ground.

"Get...back!" Tahu shouted, shooting a blast of fire at Hakann, shooting him into a cliffside, he groaned in pain, collapsing to the ground. Tahu came to face Reiadak, holding the blade to his neck "Tell me what you know Piraka before I tear you apart."

"Go ahead...Galvator will kill me anyway..." Reiadak smirked, Tahu swung the blade, causing Reiadak's head to fall to the floor, he sighed, turning back to face Kopaka, Takanuva, Jala, and Congu "Congu, we're done here, keep us on our path" Tahu said as he put his swords on his back, Congu stepping past him, the four trailing behind.

"This is no time for spirit walking Lewa!" Onua called out, frustrated, he looked to Gali "What now sister?" He asked, Gali shaking her head.

"I don't know..." She sighed, Pohatu crossing his arms and thinking for a moment.

"Hmm...if I were a Toa of air...where would I go?" Pohatu asked as a footstep was heard a distance behind them, the three spinning around and pointing their weapons towards the noise.

"Lewa?" Onua asked, a chuckle being heard.

"No...but I know where your friend is..." Spoke a tall figure, stepping out from the forest, a giant scythe resting on his shoulder.

"What in Mata-Nui is that?!" Pohatu shouted, pointing up at the being.

"I am Makuta Galvator, the harbinger of death..." He grinned, Onua charging at him.

"Well then, have a sample of the power of earth!" Onua shouted as he lept towards Galvator, thrusting a fist at him but before he could land a hit the blade of the scythe flipped around, turning into a spear as Galvator rammed it through Onua "Gah-" Onua gasped, as his now lifeless body fell to the floor, Gali's eyes widened, she threw her blade at Galvator, but he simply swiped it aside with a swing of his more heavily armored right arm, he gripped Gali's neck, napping it and dropping her body, Pohatu, being the fastest Toa, turned around and shot off, running as fast as he possibly could.

"Now now...why are you..." Galvator said as he winded up his arm, launching the spear at Pohatu "Running?!" He shouted, the spear's speed was so great that a small bang was heard as a cone of wind formed around it, it shot through Pohatu, sticking itself into a boulder a few feet away after going through him completely.

Galvator walked over, throwing all three Toa over his shoulder and picking up the spear, which reverted back into it's scythe form "Four down...three to go..." He grinned, making his way towards the shore.

Bionicle: Memories of a Broken Toa: Chapter 2

Chapter two: One by one

The sun soon rose and the Toa gathered at the chief's hut, he stood and crossed his arms, looking over the six Toa and Jala "One of you is missing..." He said as the Toa began looking from one to the next.

“Lewa is missing…” Pohatu said, looking to Onua

“Missing and late...He’s never late.” Onua thought for a moment

“Maybe our brother is just sleeping…” Gali remarked as Kopaka shook his head

“I scanned his hut already, he isn’t there…”

“Well we must go look for him.” Takanuva said as the matoran leader nodded in agreement

“Yes. but not all of you, your leader must choose who will look for the Toa and who will go with my guide”

Tahu sighed, looking back at his fellow Toa, he pointed first at Pohatu, then Onua, and finally Gali “The three of you will search for Lewa, Takanuva Kopaka and I will go to the cavern entrance.”
“Good plan...but why do I have to go with you?” Kopaka questioned

“Because the mask of life is bound to be a difficult task, the three of us are the strongest, we will have a better chance.” Takanuva interrupted before Tahu could pick a fight. Kopaka smirked

“You’re right I suppose.”

Gali, Pohatu, and Onua soon left, heading into the wilderness to find their brother, Tahu, Kopaka, Takanuva, and Jala all waiting outside the village as a matoran stepped out “Congu sorry for wait, Congu needed to prepare.” said a stocky green matoran, with three large, animal like toes on his feet, and a staff in his hand “Follow Congu, Congu is one who found big door.”

The five walked for hours, climbing through the mountain range as Congu froze, sniffing the air “Quick quiet, Piraka…” He got down on all fours, moving slowly up the hill, the Toa following behind him, what they saw was a group of six, clearly aggressive beasts, with giant mouths and jagged teeth. They growled at one another as they walked, jumping down a ledge and out of sight.

"What were those things?" Tahu asked as Congu stood, standing on his toes and trying to see if the creatures were still near.

"Piraka...nasty trouble..." He said, his voice low.

"Piraka..." Kopaka thought "The former dark hunters..." He stood, pulling out his ski swords "They're here for a reason...let's find out why..."

"No! Congu knows they are too strong fierce, three Toa and two matoran can't win fight." Congu said, standing in front of Kopaka "Piraka nasty evil, rumor has they plan to kill each other after they have what they need seek." He continued, Kopaka smirked, looking to Tahu and Takanuva.

"Come on...if they are looking for the mask of life, then we need to learn what they know on the subject" Kopaka said as he pushed past Congu.

"Kopaka is right...as much as you hate to admit it Tahu, you know he is, come one, Jala, Congu, stay close..." Takanuva said, stretching, he stood, following Kopaka, Tahu and the two matoran close behind.

"What are we doing sitting around?!" Reiadak shouted, slamming his fist against the wall.

"Maybe if you would stop yelling and let Zaktan think, we'd have a plan already!" Avak yelled back, the two standing, their faces not far from one another's.

"Do something about it Avak" Reiadak smirked, gripping the hilt of his blaster.

"Stop it both of you..." Thok sighed, standing and cracking his neck as a body was thrown against the wall in a flash of green, the Piraka stood, aiming their blasters at the doorway as a tall figure stepped in, they eased up.

"Galvator...welcome back..." Thok smirked as Zaktan stepped past him, looking up at the figure.

"What news...and who is this?" Zaktan asked, Galvator resting his scythe on his shoulder.

"Seven Toa and a matoran arrived last night...the ones I warned you about..." He looked to the unconscious Lewa "This is one of them...the Toa of air." He sighed as the Piraka chuckled.

"This is one of the toa you warned us about? They don't look strong." Hakann laughed, Galvator swung the scythe, the point getting stuck in the wall, the blade running along Hakann's neck.

"Remember...it took only one Toa to defeat the Makuta..." Galvator said, glaring at Hakann.

"Right...Galvator...my bad..." Hakann said, struggling to keep his neck away from the razor sharp blade of the scythe as Galvator released it, resting it back on his shoulder.

"Now, three Toa have gone looking for this one, and the other three saw you fools, so they are on their way here...Thok, I want you to take this Toa to the shore and hold out till I arrive, the rest of you, get ready for a fight..." Galvator sighed, stepping out and heading off, the Piraka smirked, looking to Thok who rolled his eyes.

"Don't screw up you fools..." Thok said, grabbing his weapons and picking up Lewa "Let's go ugly..." he grumbled, stepping out and making his way in the opposite direction of Galvator.

“Well...now that they’re gone, what do we do?” Avak asked, looking at Zaktan, who glanced at the rest.

“Listen up...Galvator gave us our orders, and unless we want to die, we had better do as we’re told.” Zaktan sighed as Hakann groaned.

“Honestly Zaktan? Why don’t we just go get the mask of life so we never have to deal with him again?! We could kill the bastard!” Hakann yelled, as Vesok grabbed him by his back spines and threw him against the wall, finally Vesok broke his silence.

“Because Galvator is a servant of the Makuta, one of his most powerful, so much in fact that he earned the name Makuta Galvator, the harbinger of death, the only reason he hasn’t killed us is because Galvator was told to bring the mask of life to Makuta.” Vesok looked back at Zaktan who smirked and gave him a nod.

“Well why didn’t you just say so…” Hakann groaned, rubbing his head as he stood “In that case, what makes you think he won’t just kill us after he has the mask?”

“We know he will, that is why when we get to the mask, we plan to trap him in Irnakk’s chamber.” Zaktan grinned as Reiadak paused.

“Shh…” He said as he glanced around “Those Toa...they found us…”

Bionicle: Memories of a Broken Toa, Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Something lurks in the dark

As the toa began their path to the western shores of Mata-Nui, after stopping at Ta-koro for supplies, the seven began their journey, Toa Kopaka had advised it would be best if they went straight towards Ko-koro, so the toa did, passing the Tren Krom break, heading up, and around the Mangai volcano at the center of the island, making their way into Ko-koro, after traversing the treacherous landscape and freezing snowstorms, they finally made it, at the shores of Ko-koro, their transport to the island of Voya-Nui waited, the seven heroes boarded, and set off across the sea.

What they came to see upon arrival in the Voya-Nui bay was a village upon the cliffs, as they stepped off of the boat onto the shore, a rain of spears circled around them, trapping them inside.

"Damn...what is the meaning of this?" Tahu called out, looking up at the village, whose matoran dropped down, pointing their spears at the group.

"What now, fearless leader?" Kopaka smirked.

"Everyone just stay calm." Gali said, looking to Takanuva.

"Sister Gali is right, we should all remain quiet-calm." Lewa exclaimed, glancing side to side

"Who are you and where do you come from?" asked a matoran, who appeared to be the leader.

"We are Toa, from the island of Mata-Nui, we've come in search of the mask of life, in hopes to give the great spirit, Mata-Nui, a body, to restore peace for all matoran" Takanuva spoke confidently as he stepped to the front of the group. 

The matoran looked at his peers, shaking his head "We don't happen to believe you..." he said as the rest pointed the tips of their spears closer to the Toa.

"Wait!" a voice called out, a barrel on the boat falling over as a matoran jumped out, landing in front of the circle of spears, holding his Koli stick and his shield in a defensive stance "They are telling the truth!" the matoran said as the other matoran paused.

"Jala?" Takanuva asked, tilting his head as Jala nodded, looking back at the Toa.

"Someone needed to make sure everything went smoothly" Jala remarked as the leader of the matoran lowered his spear.

"Release these...Toa..." he sighed as the matoran pulled up the spears, holding them and stepping back.

"Follow me" the leader said as the started in the direction of a staircase carved into the cliffs. The Toa glanced to one another, nodding slightly and following after the matoran leader, Takanuva and Jala trailing behind.

"That was a risky move Jala..." Takanuva sighed.

"I know I know, but hey, you took on the Makuta by yourself, and almost died, so who made the riskier move?" Jala smirked, Takanuva laughing slightly.

"I suppose so."

The Toa were situated in the village for the night, in morning they were to set out with a native matoran as their guide, to take them to the Matoran's hidden entrance to a cavern, rumored to hold the mask of life deep within. He groaned slightly, sitting up and glancing around his hut, he stood, stepping out and glancing around "It's not wake time yet..." Lewa sighed, making his way down the carved steps, standing at the shore in the dark "Why so home longing..." he crossed his arms, hearing footsteps in the distance, he drew his blades "Who be sneak walking?" Lewa called out into the darkness, a tall, armored, looming figure stepping closer, a giant scythe in his hand as he stopped a few feet in front of the Toa "Are you...one of the Makuta's sons?" Lewa asked, stepping back and pointing one of his swords at the figure.

"You could say that..." he said, his hand gripping Lewa's blade, squeezing and shattering the weapon, before Lewa could react the figure swung the scythe around, knocking Lewa to the ground, his heart light glowing faintly as the tall figure slung the Toa of air over his shoulder, stretching a moment, he looked up to the village "I will have the Toa...every last one..." he said as he walked back into the shadows.

Bionicle: Memories of a Broken Toa: Prologue

Gathered friends. Listen again to our legend, of the Bionicle. In the time, before time, the great spirit descended from the heavens, carrying we, the ones called the matoran to this paradise. We were separate and without purpose, so the great spirit illuminated us with the three virtues, unity, duty, and destiny. We embraced these gifts, and in gratitude, named our island home, Mata-Nui, after the great spirit himself. But our happiness was not to last...for Mata-Nui's brother, the Makuta, was jealous of these honors, and betrayed him, casting a spell over Mata-Nui, who fell into a deep slumber. The Makuta was free to unleash his shadows...and unleash them, he did.

After the rahi, creatures native to our island, were possessed by corrupt masks, legends foretold the coming of six toa heroes, to protect us, and fight back the Makuta's forces.

When his plans failed, the Makuta unleashed the Bohrok, terrible creatures that would have destroyed us, if the toa had not been able to enter the protodermis, but they did, and returned to us as the toa Nuva.

After his Bohrok failed and the mask of light had been found, the Makuta released his sons, the Rahkshi to track down the harold of the seventh toa. Takua the chronicler. Who realized his destiny was to become the seventh toa, and defeat the Makuta. And so he did...awakening the great spirit.

It is now up to the seven toa, Tahu of fire, Gali of water, Lewa of air, Pohatu of stone, Kopaka of ice, Onua of earth, and Takanuva of light, to find the mask of life, and bring it to the shrine of Mata-Nui, for the great spirit to create a body for himself.